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Manchester Center, Bennington County, Vermont

"Serendipity, Manchester Center, Vermont 05255.  802/362-3272.  This ski touring center offers complete facility for touring including sales of latest touring equiptment and accessories.  Complete line of ski rentals, instruction and guided tours are available.  Touring right into the Village and its environs.  Exciting and educational guided tours are possible on the Long Trail and in the Merck Forest."-Vermont Ski Guide, 1974

Location: Eleven Thirty Corner, Manchester, Vt. 05255

Directory listings: 1974

Known operators: --

Today: out of operation



Serendipity ski touring center was located in Manchester Center at the corner of routes 11 and 30.  A 1973 Ski magazine advertises North American Nordic races at their ski centers, including Serendipity.  Serendipity was listed in the 1974 Vermont Ski Guide but a Bennington Banner article from January of 1975 advertises a bankruptcy sale for North American Nordic, Inc. at eleven thiry corner in Manchester, Vt.:




BANKRUPTCY SALE: North American Nordic Inc. Bankrupt Auction by trustee of cross country ski equiptment, seperately and in lots, at eleven thirty corner Manchester, Vt.  January 17, 1975 11am  About 70 pair used rental x-cc skis & boots, dozens of bindings, 130 pr. poles, mens & ladies T-necks, misc. xcc-cc equipt., shelves & benches.


from: Bennington Banner, January 16, 1975 pg. 11