Robinson, Neil W.
Rank, Company, Regiment
PVT 87th
Birth date/Death Date
Vermont Location
Importance of Vermont
First skiing experience
Competitive Skiing
What was your experience in the 10th like?
Started with the 87th as a special trainer and then went on to surgical technician in the Phillipines.
Why did you join the 10th?
Ski Patrol
Ski School
Started in 1938 in Karl Acker's Ski School at Pico Peak. Returned there after the War.
In 1946, he went to the Split Rock Ski School in Pennsylvania. Director of Bromley Ski School, (beginning 1949) resigned 9/21/63 for Glen Ellen. Built it from 16 to 34 full time instructors Started Ski School at Glen Ellen. Part of the Eastern Certification Committee. He and wife Joan then went to "big A" ski area in Mount Agamenticus, NY. There they taught the "Unified American Technique."
Ski Industry
Developed friendship with Howard Head as a tester and technical advisor.
Vermont Ski Area Connection
Developed Robinwood across from Pico - a residential/resort community, purchased after he left Glen Ellen in 1968.
Role of Skiing in your Life
Other information
Made films "Let's Ski" and "Head Over Heels", which were part of the program "Learn to Ski Weekers"
Photograph information
Information submitted by
Zip Robinson